Our Sixth Forms
Our Harris Sixth Forms are located across London; each site has a unique identity.
All our students are enabled to achieve their full potential at their chosen Sixth Form.
The vast majority of our Sixth Forms are graded Outstanding by Ofsted and we have no Sixth Forms graded less than Good. This exceptional record is unparalleled amongst large multi-academy trusts. You can look up individual Sixth Form Ofsted gradings and reports here: Ofsted Reports
Our Single Centre Sixth Forms
Students may apply to one of our Single Centre campuses. These applications can be submitted via our application form. Our Single Centre is a group of 10 high-performing Sixth Forms which operate under one umbrella centre number. This offers students, in some cases, the opportunity to increase the breadth of courses available to them by moving between sites for different subjects. Students can also benefit from resources and enrichment opportunities across more than one site.
Our Single Centre Sixth Forms comprise of:
Our Wider sites
We are proud to have great geographical reach with our wide range of Sixth Forms based at secondary and all-through academy sites across London. Applications to these Sixth Forms must be submitted via their websites, linked on each icon.
Our Further Education sites
We are able to offer traditional academic, and vocational, education at our stand-alone Sixth Forms. These sites specialise in key stage five students and their learning only; they are not part of a wider academy. Applications to these Sixth Forms must be submitted via their websites, linked on each icon.
For our Sixth Form students we offer
- Excellent study support facilities
- an enviable record of A Level and Vocational examination success
- all courses fully resourced and generously funded
- a reputation for community care and involvement
- excellent industrial contacts through our network of sponsors
- personal tutors trained to support individual students and to monitor their academic progress
- industry standard ICT facilities
- extensively equipped sports centres available to students
- strong links with local Higher Education institutions to ensure ready-made progression routes
- a week long work experience placement or problem-solving exercise linked to courses
- teachers timetabled for every lesson
- graduate teachers, many recruited for their vocational experience
- a wide range of field studies and educational visits.
As a student concerned about your education you will want to consider the following:
- standards of education
- facilities available
- reputation in the community
- relationships with local and national employers
- standards of conduct
- ability to cater for everyone (no discrimination)
- high quality learning environment
- sports opportunities
- progression to Higher Education
- work experience opportunities for every student
- specialist teachers at all times
- staff qualifications
- class sizes
- extra curricular activities