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🎉Applications for September 2025 are now OPEN! 🎉 Visit our website to apply and don't miss the chance to attend one of our campus open events. Discover what we have to offer! 🌟 #HarrisSixthForm


Join us this Thursday at Harris Academy Merton for our Open Evening! Discover everything our Sixth Form has to offer and explore how we can help shape your future.


Join us this Thursday at Harris Academy Purley for our Open Evening! Discover everything our Sixth Form has to offer and explore how we can help shape your future.


Thinking about applying to for ? Don't miss out! Join us at one of our Open Events to explore our campuses, chat with current students & discover how we can help you shape your future!


An amazing kick-off at the Harris Federation Apprenticeship Launch! 🎉 200 students & parents joined us at Queen Mary University. Huge thanks to all who attended, to for organising & for their continued support.


Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses.


UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.


We are delighted that all Harris Sixth Form students studying Sciences/Maths/Psychology/Economics now have fully-funded access to UpLearn.


Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses.


UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.


Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation. We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools. Find out more...


Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation. We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools. Find out more...



Come along to the open evening at our campus. Tour the Academy, hear from the head teacher and find out more from current students. Thursday 5th October 2023


Apply now for September 23


A huge thanks to Sophie Willmott from BT who led an apprenticeship event for students and parents yesterday at HCACP. Representatives from the NHS, and the finance sector also contributed to this event.


A huge thanks to Sophie Willmott from BT who led an apprenticeship event for students and parents yesterday at HCACP. Representatives from the NHS, and the finance sector also contributed to this event.


Harris Academy Greenwich 6th Form Application NOW OPEN – Deadline 31st March 2023 -Recently awarded “Outstanding” -Top 10% of schools in England for 6th Form Results! -24% of our Y13 students(2022) accepted to Russell group universities Click Here to APPLY


Fantastic to have the first Harris Scholars event at this Monday. Thank you to our excellent tutors from who spent two hours really engaging the students in some high-level academic research exploring the meaning of 'the body' in different disciplines.


Come along to our Beckenham Campus this Thursday and find out more about our Level 3 courses Thursday, 24 November 4.30pm - 6.30pm Register your interest below

Course Finder

D&T Product Design - A Level

Exam Board: Edexcel

A Level Content

The A Level in Product Design is for students that have studied Design and Technology at GCSE level and wish to further their knowledge and understanding of materials, processes and techniques that can be applied within creative / engineering industries.


The course is designed to:


Equip students with design skills for the future - Students will be able to recognise design needs and develop an understanding of how current global issues, including integrating technology, impacts on today’s world.


Encourage creativity and innovation - At A level students will have the confidence to innovate and produce creative design solutions as they develop their own design brief with a client/end user.


The course is assessed through two separate components each weighted equally at 50%. 


Component 1: Principles of Design and Technology –

Written Examination 2hours 30 minutes (50% of qualification)

Students will be required to apply knowledge and understanding of a wide range of topics in the following areas:


Topic 1: Materials

Topic 2: Performance characteristics of materials

Topic 3: Processes and techniques

Topic 4: Digital technologies

Topic 5: Factors influencing the development of products

Topic 6: Effects of technological developments

Topic 7: Potential hazards and risk assessment

Topic 8: Features of manufacturing industries

Topic 9: Designing for maintenance and the cleaner environment

Topic 10: Current legislation

Topic 11: Information handling, Modelling and forward planning

Topic 12: Further processes and techniques


The paper includes also includes calculations, short-open and open-response questions, as well as extended-writing questions focused on:  analysis and evaluation of design decisions and outcomes, against a technical principle, for prototypes made by others, analysis and evaluation of wider issues in design technology, including social, moral, ethical and environmental impacts.




Component 2: Independent Design and Make Project –

Non-examined assessment (50% of qualification)

The purpose of this component is to undertake a substantial design, make and evaluate project which will test students’ skills in designing and making a prototype.


The context of the component is tailed so that that:

  • Students individually and/or in consultation with a client/end user identify a problem and design context.
  • Students will develop a range of potential solutions which include the use of computer aided design and evidence of modelling.
  • Students will be expected to make decisions about the designing and development of the prototype in conjunction with the opinions of the client/end user.
  • Students will realise one potential solution through practical making activities with evidence of project management and plan for production.
  • Students will incorporate issues related to sustainability and the impact their prototype may have on the environment
  • Students are expected to analyse and evaluate design decisions and outcomes for prototypes/products made by themselves and others
  • Students are expected to analyse and evaluate of wider issues in design technology, including social, moral, ethical and environmental impacts.


Students will be assessed on the following areas:


  • Part 1: Identifying and outlining possibilities for design Identification and investigation of a design possibility, investigation of client/end user needs, wants and values, research and production of a specification
  • Part 2: Designing a prototype Design ideas, development of design idea, final design solution, review of development and final design and communication of design ideas
  • Part 3: Making a final prototype Design, manufacture and realisation of a final prototype, including tools and equipment and quality and accuracy
  • Part 4: Evaluating own design and prototype Testing and evaluation


  • The investigation report is internally assessed and externally moderated.
  • Students will produce a substantial design, make and evaluate project which consists of a portfolio and a prototype
  • The portfolio will contain approximately 40 sides of A3 paper (or electronic equivalent)

Entry Requirements

Students require a minimum of 5 grades 9 – 4 at GCSE including a grade 6 or above in Design and Technology. 

Career Progression

This course equips you with a broad range of skills, which will prove useful in employment and as a means of gaining access to University.  Typical career and University options are Bachelor of Arts degree in; Industrial (Product) Design, Architecture, Advertising, Engineering, Editing and Multi-Media.

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