Religious Studies - A Level
Year 12 Content
In Year 12, students are introduced to a number of philosophical and ethical issues. Unit 1 looks at the following topics.
- The Teleological Argument for the Existence of God
- The Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God
- The Problem of Evil
- Ethical Theory (Virtue Ethics, Situation Ethics and Natural Moral Law)
- Application of Ethical Theory to Ethical Issues
- Christian attitudes to Good Moral Conduct and Identity.
- Christian attitudes to the afterlife and nature of God
In Unit 2, students look in depth at religious attitudes to Good Moral Conduct and Identity.
Year 13 Content
In Year 13, students will broaden their knowledge of the topics studied in Year 12 and look at the dialogue between Philosophy, Ethics and Christianity. Topics studied will include
- Miracles and Religious Language
- Free will and moral responsibility
- Conscience
- Self, Death and Afterlife
- Christian approaches to science, pluralism, sexuality and secularisation
Students sit examinations in their A Level courses at the end of Year 13. All students will take internal end of year examinations at the end of year 12 to determine suitability to continue with the subject in Year 13. Students who do not meet the required pass grade in the Year 12 end of year examinations will not be permitted to progress into Year 13.
The Philosophy and Ethics A Level is 100% examination. It is a linear course where students sit two exams at the end of Year 13. One exam focuses on Unit 1 - Philosophical and Ethical Concepts, and the other on the dialogue between Philosophy, Ethics and Christianity.