Studying with the Harris Federation
Studying within the Harris Federation
To ensure that every student maintains a good standard of work throughout his or her time at the Federation we provide a number of support activities.
Supported Private Study
This is supervised in the Study Bases where students are expected to work quietly. These sessions help students to organise themselves and make space for social activities at other times.
Monitoring and Target Setting
Each student is set a series of personalised target grades based on their past academic performance. Achievement against these targets is compared to actual performance on a regular basis. Where current achievement is below the target, a series of study strategies are agreed to close the gap. This process ensures that students are focused throughout their course, that they remain well motivated and retain a sense of realism about their academic performance and possible career options.
The Tutoring System
Every Sixth Form student will be part of a tutor group with an assigned tutor who has responsibility for overseeing students’ progress. Deciding on academic targets, discussing progress and working on applications to university or college are undertaken in conjunction with the tutor. In addition, there is a Sixth form Co-ordinator who has overall responsibility for the welfare of students and a Deputy Co-ordinator whose main responsibility is the academic progress of students.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
In Sixth form PSHE, students concentrate on issues of direct relevance to their work and future. Time is spent on developing study skills, in working on careers guidance and in preparing students for the move into higher education or into employment.
Financial Assistance and the 16-19 Bursary
There is a full range of travel and other grants available to students who are eligible for them. Full details can be obtained from our Finance Office which is open every day during term time. Students whose parental income falls within certain boundaries are entitled to a bursary. Full details will be available during enrolment.