The Academy Day
The structure of the academy day varies between our sites. Students can expect to be committed to being on site and involved in academic and enrichment activities from 8.30am to 4.30pm, as well as beyond this time for intervention, events and additional teaching sessions.
This precludes students from taking on any form of employment during the academy day or that requires them to travel within the academy day to reach any such place of employment.
Sixth Form students are afforded the privilege of:
- Movement on- and off-site
- Supervised and unsupervised independent study periods
Our spaces are purposeful: our students have the freedom to take their leisure time off-site, in outdoor areas and in canteens according to the policy of their individual Sixth Form. The vast majority of their time will be in lessons, enrichment, careers sessions, outreach and independent study. All our sites have specific rules and standards for any shared, unsupervised space.
Subjects at all sites are arranged into ‘blocks’; this means that students select their 3 or 4 qualifications from across these blocks and cannot take 2 subjects within the same block as these lessons will clash. Within our Single Centre campuses, students can sometimes select subjects offered at another site to broaden their options within a block. In order to enable this, free transport is available between such sites.