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🎉Applications for September 2025 are now OPEN! 🎉 Visit our website to apply and don't miss the chance to attend one of our campus open events. Discover what we have to offer! 🌟 #HarrisSixthForm


Join us this Thursday at Harris Academy Merton for our Open Evening! Discover everything our Sixth Form has to offer and explore how we can help shape your future.


Join us this Thursday at Harris Academy Purley for our Open Evening! Discover everything our Sixth Form has to offer and explore how we can help shape your future.


Thinking about applying to for ? Don't miss out! Join us at one of our Open Events to explore our campuses, chat with current students & discover how we can help you shape your future!


An amazing kick-off at the Harris Federation Apprenticeship Launch! 🎉 200 students & parents joined us at Queen Mary University. Huge thanks to all who attended, to for organising & for their continued support.


Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses.


UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.


We are delighted that all Harris Sixth Form students studying Sciences/Maths/Psychology/Economics now have fully-funded access to UpLearn.


Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses.


UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.


Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation. We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools. Find out more...


Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation. We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools. Find out more...



Come along to the open evening at our campus. Tour the Academy, hear from the head teacher and find out more from current students. Thursday 5th October 2023


Apply now for September 23


A huge thanks to Sophie Willmott from BT who led an apprenticeship event for students and parents yesterday at HCACP. Representatives from the NHS, and the finance sector also contributed to this event.


A huge thanks to Sophie Willmott from BT who led an apprenticeship event for students and parents yesterday at HCACP. Representatives from the NHS, and the finance sector also contributed to this event.


Harris Academy Greenwich 6th Form Application NOW OPEN – Deadline 31st March 2023 -Recently awarded “Outstanding” -Top 10% of schools in England for 6th Form Results! -24% of our Y13 students(2022) accepted to Russell group universities Click Here to APPLY


Fantastic to have the first Harris Scholars event at this Monday. Thank you to our excellent tutors from who spent two hours really engaging the students in some high-level academic research exploring the meaning of 'the body' in different disciplines.


Come along to our Beckenham Campus this Thursday and find out more about our Level 3 courses Thursday, 24 November 4.30pm - 6.30pm Register your interest below

Course Finder

Spanish - A Level

Exam Board: AQA

The A Level specification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained at GCSE. It constitutes an integrated study with a focus on language, culture and society. It fosters a range of transferable skills including communication, critical thinking, research skills and creativity, which are valuable to the individual and society. The content is suitable for students who wish to progress to employment or to further study, including a modern languages degree.


The approach is a focus on how Spanish-speaking society has been shaped socially and culturally and how it continues to change. In the first year, aspects of the social context are studied, together with aspects of the artistic life of Spanish-speaking countries. In the second year further aspects of the social background are covered, this time focusing on matters associated with multiculturalism. Students also study aspects of the political landscape including the future of political life in the Hispanic world by focusing on young people and their political engagement.


Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of themes relating to the culture and society of countries where Spanish is spoken, and their language skills. They will do this by using authentic spoken and written sources in Spanish.

Year 12 and Year 13 Content

The specification has been designed to be studied over two years. Therefore A Level Spanish students must complete two years of study to achieve the qualification. There is no longer an option to take the AS Level after one year.


Key areas of study include:


Text Book:

Year 1:  AQA A Level Year 1 and AS Spanish Student book

(Authors - Francisca Mejias- Yedra, Francisco Villatoro, Ian Kendrick, and Margaret Bond).

Year 2: AQA A Level Spanish Year 2 ( Francisca Mejias- Yedra, Francisco Villatoro, Ian Kendrick, and Margaret Bond)  P96RUZ


1. Social issues and trends

1.1 Aspects of Hispanic society: Modern and traditional values (Los valores tradicionales y modernos), Cyberspace (El ciberespacio), Equal rights (La igualdad de los sexos)

1.2 Multiculturalism in Hispanic society: Immigration (La inmigración), Racism (El racismo), Integration (La convivencia)




2. Politic and artistic culture

2.1 Artistic culture in the Hispanic world: Modern day idols (La influencia de los ídolos), Spanish regional identity (La identidad regional en España), Cultural heritage (El patrimonio cultural)

2.2 Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world: Today's youth, tomorrow's citizens (Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos del mañana), Monarchies and dictatorships (Monarquías y dictaduras), Popular movements (Movimientos populares)


3. Grammar

A Level students will be expected to have studied the grammatical system and structures of the language during their course. Knowledge of the grammar and structures specified for GCSE is assumed. In the exam students will be required to use, actively and accurately, grammar and structures appropriate to the tasks set.


4. Works - Literary texts and films

Students must study either one text and one film or two texts from the list below. Abridged editions should not be used.



  • Federico García Lorca La casa de Bernarda Alba
  • Gabriel García Márquez Crónica de una muerte anunciada
  • Laura Esquivel Como agua para chocolate
  • Ramón J. Sender Réquiem por un campesino español
  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón La sombra del viento
  • Isabel Allende La casa de los espíritus
  • Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Rimas
  • Fernando Fernán-Gómez Las bicicletas son para el verano
  • Luis de Castresana El otro árbol de Guernica
  • Gabriel García Márquez El coronel no tiene quien le escribe



  • El laberinto del fauno Guillermo del Toro (2006)
  • Ocho apellidos vascos Emilio Martínez-Lázaro (2014)
  • María, llena eres de gracia Joshua Marston (2004)
  • Volver Pedro Almodóvar (2006)
  • Abel Diego Luna (2010)
  • Las 13 rosas Emilio Martínez-Lázaro (2007)


    5. Individual research project

Students must identify a subject or key question which is of interest to them and which relates to a country or countries where Spanish is spoken. They must select relevant information in Spanish from a range of sources including the internet. The aim of the research project is to develop research skills.


Mock Exams


Students will have mocks in January and March, as well as an induction test at the end of September.


Public Exams


Students sit examinations in their A Level courses at the end of Year 13. All students will take internal end of year examinations at the end of year 12 to determine suitability to continue with the subject in Year 13. Students who do not meet the required pass grade in the Year 12 end of year examinations will not be permitted to progress into Year 13.


This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course (At the end of the second year)


Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing: Written exam of 2 hours 30 minutes, worth 50% of A Level

Paper 2: Writing: Written exam of 2 hours, worth 20% of A Level

Paper 3: Speaking: Oral exam: 21–23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time), worth 30% of A Level

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